Developing Speed and Track Design for Mini Cars

Currently, our development is focused on track design and enhancing the speed of the mini cars.

10/25/20241 min read

As you can see in the video, it’s not easy to harness the motor’s power to achieve realistic high speeds. Several factors like friction, the weight of the mini car, and the internal components play a role in limiting performance. Even with a high RPM motor, there is a limit to the voltage output, which restricts the car's speed. To address this, we implemented a speed booster to slightly enhance both the speed and power of the mini car.

While the overall track design is nearly complete, we are still working on improving the connectors that link different sections of the track. This is an area we are actively exploring for alternative solutions.

#MiniCarDevelopment #TrackDesign #MotorSpeedOptimization #MiniCarRacing #SpeedBooster #FrictionAndPerformance #ToyCarEngineering #HighRPMMotors